Dear Alaskan Enthusiast:
We are so glad you are here! The long winter is finally over and spring has sprung here on the mighty Kenai river. Sows and cubs have left their dens in search of food to break the long winters fast, Moose and their calves are enjoying the tender shoots of willow that have begun to grow in response to the long spring days, and the Eagles are carrying new sticks to remodel their nests (or Aeries, as Eagles nests are officially known).
We at Great Alaska Adventures are just about as busy as the wildlife that we share this amazing area with, readying for our guests arrival. In future issues of this blog, we'll be sharing lots of the exciting developments, so be sure and click "follow" and we'll be sure to keep you up to speed on everything.
If you are planning on a trip to Alaska, we'll have short lived specials for you to consider, as well as some great packing tips, how do dress for your Alaska adventure and much more.

For our friends focusing on the wildlife viewing and nature of the Greatland, we'll be sharing info about all the species you are looking forward to: Alaskan Coastal Brown Bears (of course!), Humpback Whales, Alces Alces (Alaskan Moose), Caribou and the millions of songbirds, birds of prey and wetland birds that are arriving daily to spend their summer raising young and feeding on this one of a kind Peninsula.
"Bears" movie debuts from Disney
After combing the state for the best location to view and photograph brown bears, a crew from Disney Nature Films chose our own Alaska BearCamp to film the bears of Chinitna Bay. After 2 years of waiting, we are excited to announce that the premier opened to great reviews. It should be available soon at your local theater, but in the meantime, here is a link to the trailer. While the story may be a bit contrived, the footage is simply spectacular, and our past guests will of course recognize much of the scenery, and even some of the "stars"!Well, that's it for now. Thanks for visiting the blog, and we will be back soon!